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"In a world..."​​ 
​Was his & will always BE in dedication to Lafontaine!!
His website... is a treasure trove!!

The coolio thing about Don (aka Thunderthroat) - is how EXTREMELY NICE & Personable he was!!  ​​NO DOUBT - Hollywood (trailers anyway) suffered IMMENSE PAINFUL silence upon Don's death!  He set the standard.. 

& went for his main projective...

He lived here... (thanks 2 Michael Loke for the legwork on the photo!)
You know - he can really tell you his story better than I could, fosho!

Refusing to be walked all over & upon... Don had his star on the wall!!👍 That deserves a SALUTE!  


He gave us all a body to go with the voice when he did the following Geico commercial..

Ever wanted to have a question & answer session with Don??  Cool trivia... For a time in the late '70s, LaFontaine was the official voice of Paramount Pictures. 

​​If his voice seemed to be on every trailer imaginable - it's coz it was!!  That's why he was known as 'the voice of God.' Hellu!  

Cut to Friday, August 22nd - Don was checked-in to Cedars in L.A. as he was having trouble breathing with soreness in his chest area.  Upon doing tests... Twas found that Don was having complications from a collapsed lung.. due to a PE (or blockage of the lung's main artery main artery.)  His family made a public appeal for prayers on the website.  Don was stabilized and all seemed 'not ok' but 'looking better' - that is... Until the following Tuesday, August 22nd - when Don took a turn for the worse and was reported to be critical.  

​​Don held on in critical condition for a total of 10 days but died from pneumothorax, (a collapsed lung that causes air to build in the pleural cavity), on Tuesday, September 1, 2008... 6 days after his 68th birthday!  A sad, sad, sad, day for Hollywood!  His final work was a voiceover for a global slave trade film... In a fitting form of his genuine generosity - he had done the voiceover at no charge.  He would also do free voiceovers for anyone who ask, whether for voicemail or aspiring filmmakers who'd write to him...
​He was interred at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  

RIP Don - your legacy serves as a lesson, & high standard to those who follow, during AND after you.  Your flame burns bright!! ​​

You can visit his grave virtually & leave your non-wilting smelling like-uh-rose-flowers & memories here,

for Don


He was TRULY unique as they get - or come! 


Hollywood (and fans of) will always carry Don Lafontaine in it's/their hearts!

#donlafontaine | #thunderthroat

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