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ONE TWO WORDS.. ANIMAL HOUSE!!  Heuuhhh?? Ehhh??  

If you have NO idea what I am talking 'bout (in a Willis kinda way??)  You NEEED to see that film! Outside of "Blues Brothers," it was one of his best!!  100% BELUSHI!!  100% MAN!!  Anyway - I can guarantee you that your purchase or renting of that film?  Will be WELL worth the purchase fee!  WELL WORTH IT!!  If you like going back in time.. It's a small investment (& doing yourself a favor), by putting some GREAT MOMENTS & AWESOME MEMORIES in your gord!  Stephen Bishop makes a great cameo appearance!!  Here is the cameo scene.. GUITAR SMASH! 😉









If you don’t know Stephen Bishop??  Just grab any  soundtrack from any film, (almost), in the 80s, and listen. I met Stephen Bishop once after a show in my hometown of Chattanooga.. EVERYONE loved John!!  EeevveryONE!|  I tell you - to get such a comment from Mr. Keith 'Shatfaced' Richards - John musta been tickled SHATLESS!!  John was truly a great guy!! Anyway - here’s John‘s tragic story...


John Adams Belushi was born January 24, (same as my brother), 1943, (my brother was born in 73), in Humboldt Park  (a suburb of Chicago).  When John was six, the family moved across town, to Wheaton.  He (and his little bro Jim).. Grew up in this house..  He went to elementary school here.. High school here.. Church here!! In high school - John was co-captain of the football team and was elected homecoming king his senior year (no doubt - a small taste of things to come!)  Whilst in high school - he met his wife.. In 1965, Belushi formed a band, the Ravens, together with four fellow high school students.. They recorded one single (what an AWESOME THING it would be to find THAT single nowadays!!)


Upon graduating high school - he started a comedy troupe and after being on the local circuit, and being seen by the Second City comedy team.. John was asked to join their troupe, (not a hard decision I am sure!)  Second City was an established fabulous BRILLIANT comedy team that had their ticket 2 ride punched, and was just waiting to take off like a rocket!! Legends, legends, legends, were already IN Second City.. John Candy, Harold Ramis, Eugene Levy, & Dan Aykroyd - all came from Second City..


Early in 1973, John and his wife moving to New York City where John immediately joined National Lampoon Radio Hour.. While @ National Lampoon's.. He met fellow future colleague, Chevy Chase, when he was offered a role, alongside Chevy, in National Lampoon Lemmings (a parody of Woodstock.)  While working for National Lampoon.. He would also make friends with a fellow by the name of Michael O'Donoghue who recommended his pal to Lorne Michaels in new project he'd signed on to do in NYC, called Saturday Night Live (SNL)..


John was asked to join the new show in 1975.. He found some of his National Lampoon colleagues, had already joined this new show..  The show was to be on NBC - titled Saturday night live or SNL for short... I’ve said it before but it bears repeating.. The show would not be what it was or even is, today - IMO - without that original cast!!  They put the glue on the show, that still holds it today!!  John formed a close friendship and partnership with fellow SNL chum Dan Aykroyd on Saturday night live, & that was just one of the gyms from the beautiful partnership!!  From THAT partnership - came the film history gem.. Blues Brothers

John and his gal were married in December 1976, & SNL continued to reach new heights season after season!!


His career had just started to blow up like a balloon when tragedy struck..

On the eve of March 5, 1982.. John was staying at the Château Marmont.. The party was in full swing and, reportedly, John was enjoying himself very much!!  In an attempt to spike the fun upski a bit - John was given a lethal dose of a 'speedball'.. (a combo of cocaine and heroin).. John overdosed Hollywood and the whole world mourned.. John was ONLY 33 years young!!


My buddy Scott, has a great write-up of John’s death on his find a death site.. (Pardon the BARRAGE of ads on there!!  They are harmless - just annoying! 😉

Leave your NON-wilting flowers & virtual immortal comments for John, here!! 


RIP John!!  The world of comedy has never quite gotten over mourning you!!

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